- First Generation Cephahlosporins - Remember this story:
Mr. Fazol (ceFAZOLin) is a Lorry Driver (cephaLORIdine). He works very hard and has become Thin (cephaloTHIN) He has a "Rad" Watch on his hand (cephRADine) and a "Lux" soap (cephaLEXin). He wears a bright green Drawer {i.e trousers} ( cefaDROxil)
Route of drug administration: He will put the Lux soap in his Drawer - (Cefalexin & Cefradine are given orally. The latter can also be given i.v. /.i.m.. All others- i.v. /.i.m)
- Second Generation Cephalosporins: Remember FOX, FUR, FAC - ceFOXitin, ceFURoxime, ceFAClor
- Third Generation Cephalosporins - The story goes thus:
Mr. Aziz (ceftAZIdime) is taking an Ox (ceftizOXime, cefpodOXime) in a Taxi (cefoTAXIme) for slaughtering, i.e. an Operation (cefOPERAZONE). For this purpose he is taking Three Axon blades (cefTRIAXONe). He will Fix (ceFIXime) the ox for dinner (cefDINIR) in a short time!
Route of drug administration: Fix the price and eat (only Cefixime is given oral: all others im/iv).
ADRs: Operation will cause bleeding (Cefoperazone cause bleeding)
- Fourth Generation Cephalosporins:
My wierd dream:
ROME who
OZONE layer, fell down and was made
IP (Inpatient) by
ME. Helps you to remember fourth generation cephalosporins - Cef
quinome, Cefpi
rome, Ce
fluprenam, Cef
ozopran, Cef
Thanks for sharing this mnemonic. this is really very useful . it helped me alot to memorize the cephlosporins rather than cramming and forcing my brain against his will......:) Thank u so much sir...
This is terrible - buy Micro Made Ridiculously Simple - seriously, this is terrible.
This is a fantastic mnemonic--thank you!
good !! that's what i needed .........
kya bhain yakki hy ye...
Unbelievable mneumonics really
Kana lekhichaba baya karidela
ceftamet pivoxil in 3rd gen is missed so i edited a bit like this "Mr. Aziz is taking an Ox which he tamed (CefTAMEt) in a Taxi for slaughtering..." Anyways thanks a lot for it! Hats off to you.
Thanku sir..it helps me a lot.
Thank you so much. I had learnt it last year from here to give it to my seniors n now i'm here back again to refresh. You have saved us al a lot of time n d horrible effort of tryin.
Awesome... (y)
What about this: the QUEEN of ROME told ME that she FLEW to OZONE layer as VIP. Thanks for the good work. Very grateful
Freakinngly awesum it is....thanks alot...wow!! Saved my tym alot...thanks alot Dr.Shajil...:)
Thank u sooooo much....loved it....othrwise wud spend an hour mugging up...n finally forget d next day..
Awesome mnemonic!!
Thanks a lot sir..!!
Thanx sir ji
Happy new year
Amaaazingg !!!! Thank you sooo much sir :)
Thank you so much sir :) ....
Amazing!!!!!! very helpful
Useful, very very useful. You got a creative mind. Keep sharing such pearls with others..thankyou
Thnk u so much sir..its awesome. Hats off to u.god bless u..
Maybe this is a good mnemonic for arabics? cause makes no sense
very interesting :D
Lux in d drawer... 😂 after d 4 long years now I wl be able to remember them..thanks a ton..
It's amazing sir ! Never thought that I can learn cephalosporins in 10 mins �� thanks a lot ��
Right bro ... I referred to the book
very good mnemonic dude
This is just insane...thanks alot for this mneomonic..will always be greatful to u for this one..!
Awesome n very useful
Tooo gud n thank uu
Thank you soooo very much sir.
Was really helpful.
This made my life so much easier. Thank you so much for sharing!
Jazak Allah khair
Thank you 😍😍
this is useful....but not memorised...
Super it's helpful
Excellent mneumonic...used in my 2nd yr medicine.now that i am preparing for pg .searched this mneumonic again.thank you
Thanks sir
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