Remember the picture to memorise the structures passing through the carpal tunnel and those passing superficial to it.
Structures passing through the carpal tunnel:
Flexor POLICis longus (POLICe jeep)
FDS, FDP (FD = Fixed Deposit in piggy bank)
Radial & ulnar Bursa (piggy Bank)
- Structures passing superficial to carpal tunnel
Cutaneous branch of MediAN Nerve (boy = small MAN; Big policeMAN was MediAN nerve, so small man represents cutaneous branch)
UlNar nerve (Umen = woman)
Cutaneous br. of UlNar nerve (small Umen = small woman = represented by girl in the picture)
This mnemonic really sucks.
At least he tried somthing.. Of course i can remember this Pic
At least he tried somthing.. Of course i can remember this Pic
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