Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Exam tips, question papers and syllabus

Hi from MM4U, it's exam time for most of you. Eat moderately, sleep at least 6 hrs, take vitamins and anti anxiety drugs if required after consulting your teachers ( Esp. helps during viva exam. Many recommend Propranolol 20 - 40 mg 2 hours before your viva. However beware of the side effects - nightmare, diarrhoea etc.)
Read only what is important. Get hold of previous 10 yrs question papers / books written by your seniors regarding important topics expected or, get a copy of the syllabus in detail. Don't try to read something of everything, rather everything regarding the important things is better. All question papers are set with important topics in mind. Wherever you find confusion try to use mnemonics.
Most importantly, try to recall what you studied when you are free / at the mess with friends. Combine study works wonders, if you select a person matching your capacity.
Below, we have picked few links which will give you last few years question papers, syllabus of various years MBBS exams from various universities:


SYLLABUS (From Aims): http://www.aiims.edu/aiims/academic/aiims-syllabus/Syllabus%20-%20MBBS.pdf
(For Maharashtra): http://www.techbirbal.com/viewtopic.php?t=1745
(For Punjab): http://www.pmc.edu.pk/syllabus1styr.htm

Various MBBS question papers:
Third yr:

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