Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Heart valvue disorders and murmurs

Sent by Fernanda Golzarri, mnemonic to remember the murmurs associates with valvulopathies:


hARD - Aortic Regurgitation is DIASTOLIC

ASS - Aortic Stenosis is SYSTOLIC

MRS - Mitral Regurgitation is SYSTOLIC

MSD - Mitral Stenosis is DIASTOLIC

1 comment :

chaitanya said...

red-in regugitation early diastolic
ass-aortic stenosis-systolic murmur
mrp-mitral regurgitation-pansystolic

rembr that aortic = pulmo & mitral =tricuspid

so in case of ass aortic stenosis = pulmonry stenosis= systolic murmr

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