Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Chest Radiograph Interpretation A to X

This mnemonic was developed and submitted by Mark E.Lawson and taught to his medical students, residents and fellows for Chest Radiograph Interpretation (A-X):
A-Airway – Anatomic and Artificial (ETT Placement, etc.)
B-Bony Structures – Cervical Spine, Ribs, Clavicles, Scapula, etc.
C-Cardiac Structure – Situs, Heart Size, etc.
D-Diaphragm Structure – Pneumoperitoneum, Pneumothorax, Effusions, etc.
F-Fissures – Horizontal Fissure Location vs atelectasis, pneumonia, pneumothorax
G-Gastric Bubble vs Situs
H-Hilum – Lymph Nodes, Airways, Vessels
I-Interstitium disease processes
J-Junctional Lines
K-Kerley Lines: A, B, C
L-Lobes of Lung vs Cardiac Silhouette (Silhouette Sign)
M-Mediastinum-Mediastinal Widening, Thymus Size/ConfigurationN-Nodes
O-OverAeration, Opacification
Q-Quickly Check for Correct Name, Date of Birth, Imaging Study, Date, Time
R-Respiratory Effort – Inspiratory vs Expiratory Film
T-Thoracic Underperfusion – Pulmonary Embolism
U-UnderPerfusion, Underpenetration, Underventilation
V-Vascularity, Vascular Line Placement (Central Lines, Umbilical Artery/Vein Lines)
W-Women (Breast Shadows)
X-Xtra Equipment: Central Lines, ETT, Chest Tubes, etc.

1 comment :

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